Sunday, November 13, 2011

Are you living the life as your 10-yr old self had dreamed it to be

Its not so much that this is the first post of a new blog, rather the fact that this is the one post which should define what every sentiment in this blog should be. About being positive towards life, about being that kid who wanted to achieve so many things and about avoiding falling into the trap that is "life" according to "society"
This is not my collection of thoughts and nuggets of wisdom but I got these from a blog I follow, and the fact that this was knowledge gathered over many years of practical experience and hence it would be good if each and everyone of us could just follow just the FIRST Nugget

Happy reading
There is a gap, often substantial, between what most men areand what they would like to be.  I aim to narrow that divide each day,
little by little, until it ceases to exist.
Most people spend their life pursuing what they think they should want,
and not what they actually want.
They then wonder why they are miserable and unfulfilled.
There are two types of men in the world.
Those who sign the front of checks, and those who sign the back.
The idea of heresy is heresy.
When a man has consigned himself to never having the thing he most desires,
his reaction, almost always, is unadulterated hostility.
“Better to destroy it, so it can be had by none.”
People who think that men like me are motivated by money
are often nothing more than common fools.
Capital is the language through which we speak and create.
It’s no different than C++ or PHP;
notes on a staff, or paint on a canvas.
Those who enjoy the process of their work will always outlast
those who want nothing more than the results or accolades that come along with a field.
Those who build empires and those who seek truth are united in a struggle against mortality;
working to give birth to something that says, “I was here.”
After all, it was only in death that Cicero truly lived.
Anytime you can solve someone’s problem or satiate a desire,
you can exchange your solution for financial capital.
This is just as true for attractive hookers as it is for software companies.
Learning to make money is no different than learning to play the piano or develop software.
You study how it’s done, apply theory to action, and results follow.  Over time, your skills improve.
All of life is a war against atrophy.
“My people are destroyed because of a lack of knowledge.” remains,
thousands of years later, one of the most powerful truths humanity has ever encountered.
Educational capital, sexual capital, financial capital, political capital, network capital,
intellectual capital, and goodwill capital can all be exchanged for one another.
Those who have figured this out have a much easier time navigating the world.
Wal-Mart, or any other mega-corporation, never put a small competitor out of business.
Consumers, voting with their dollars in a form of direct-democracy, did that.
If the competition wasn’t meeting some unfulfilled demand consumers desired,
the mega-store would fail miserably.  People would rather find a scapegoat than change.
Why haven’t people figured out that money doesn’t actually exist?
Fill a need or solve a problem and you get rewarded with claim checks on society.
Those claim checks happen to be pieces of paper with vignettes of long-dead men.
In and of itself, it has no intrinsic value.
The great tragedy of humanity is that most people don’t want to be excellent, they want to fit in with their neighbors.
When I was fourteen, I attended school in a small town where there was
one particular student who was excellent at everything he did.
His grades were flawless, he shattered athletic records, he was attractive,
and he had a kind heart.  The parents, however, wouldn’t allow their
daughters to date him because he was black.
That was the moment I realized civilization was f*cked.
Much misery is due to the inability of the average man to differentiate between cause and effect.
I would be the worse person in the world to rob.  I don’t get paychecks, most of my money is tied up in businesses or retirement accounts that aren’t easily accessible, and I very rarely have more than $5 in cash on me.  That is irony.
Most of what passes for religion is nothing more than culture, molded by the customs and practices with which people are comfortable.  Very few people can provide a logical reason for their specific beliefs when forced to examine them from a rational world view.
Many people, political organizations, and groups fail because they would rather nurse old wounds than move on and seek progress.  It is a human fallacy to make an idol out of suffering.
It is not in the interest of most special interest lobbies to actually achieve their goal because that would mean the staff would be out of a job and have to close the doors.
If a person’s delusions are strong enough and they are threatened, they will kill to protect them.  The pain of murder is less than the pain of confronting the destruction of carefully preserved cognitive dissonance.  This explains many of the witch trials and burnings performed by the Catholic church over the past few hundred years.
Everyone sells something.
Most people sell their time.  The only way to increase their earnings is to sell more units of time or increase the rate for which they can charge for each unit of time by getting rare, valuable skills such as law or medical expertise.
Those who grow very wealthy very quickly sell items that are scalable.  That is, beyond the first product, there is little or no additional labor, time, or capital required to produce incremental units.  Authors, musicians, software companies, video game firms, mutual funds, perfume houses, and pharmaceutical businesses belong to this group.  In other words, it takes Johnson & Johnson $1 billion to produce the first pill.  Beyond that, it’s all profit.
These “annuity streams” are the only type of income that can adequately give someone control over their time, which is the entire purpose of financial independence.  Most people who worked during 1987 got their paycheck and never saw another dime.  Yet, the makers of Final Fantasy are still earning royalties on their software, licensing rights on the characters, and sales revenue on the soundtrack.  They haven’t had to work on the project for decades.
The key is to sell annuity streams and not one-off profit shots.
If you must begin by selling your time (as most people do), you need to take your earnings and use them to buy assets that will produce annuity streams, such as hotels, businesses, apartment buildings, or bonds.
Once your income is produced 80% or greater by passive annuity streams, your life will change forever because you will have control of your time.  You will no longer be a slave tosomeone else’s agenda.
Thomas Moore, Saint of the Catholic Church,
burning peasants for daring to possess a Bible written in English,
was as much terrorist and tyrant as Bin Laden or King Leopold.
There is a compelling argument to made that misogyny, homophobia, racism, and economic elitism are all rooted in the subconscious desire to see genetic material passed on to subsequent generations, either directly or through children and grandchildren, that most closely resembles oneself and has the greatest chance for survival due to access to wealth, resources, and social acceptance.  Most parents would rather see their children genetically “successful” than happy and fulfilled, although they would certainly deny such a claim.
The wisest citizens can eviscerate a terrible President,
while still respecting the office which he holds.
Most people are incapable of this distinction.
Intelligence is a marvelous and terrible gift.
How can we take pride in seeing the world for what it is
and molding it to our will so effortlessly,
when we accomplish it using a biological machine
over which we can claim no credit for the construction?
Freedom is the right to make choices, not to be free from the consequences of those choices.
Our life is the cumulative sum total of the decisions we have made up until this point in time and the reaction we have had to past events. We may not be able to control what happens to us, but we can control our reaction to those events.  Responsibility for my life begins and ends with me.
A teacher making $25,000 per year telling a kid how to be successful is like a Hindu telling a Christian how to be a good Catholic.
Those who oppose an incentive-based system or pay-for-performance are often unable to compete due to lack of talent or laziness.  They realize that in an objectively measured society, they will be left behind.  Instead, they focus on things like “seniority” and “experience” when results are all that should matter.
The world would be a better place if people spoke less and thought more.
There is a difference between self-confidence and arrogance. Self-confidence is the belief you can succeed no matter what the odds.  Arrogance is the belief you cannot fail.
If half the energy that went into decrying the collapse of domestic industries such as steel, manufacturing and the car companies instead went into thinking up new ideas, our nation would be much more successful.  The Internet is a major portion of our economy today, interwoven in almost every sector, yet it didn’t exist for all intents and purposes 20 years ago.  Stop looking over your should and instead cast your gaze upon the horizon.
Much of my success in life comes from two questions I constantly pose to myself that are designed to confront the underlying reason I haven’t taken action:
1. If not me then who?
2. If not now then when?
Financial success isn’t glamorous.  It is making sure more money comes in than goes out and that the money you keep earns a good rate of return at the lowest possible risk.  That is it.  That is the recipe.  If you do that for long enough, you can end up rich.
You know how most people say, “He is the next Warren Buffett?” or “He is the next Babe Ruth?”  or “She is the next Martha Stewart?  How about, instead, you try to be the first of yourself.  The ones who make history are those who have their own mold, write their own story, and follow their own rules for success.
You know you’ve found your life’s calling when you can’t imagine why anyone would want to spend their time doing anything else and, at the same time, you are really good at it.
Categorical imperatives are the intellectual crutch of a handicapped mind.
A value investor overpaying for a stock is like a nun with a sex addiction; the behavior just isn’t compatible with the job.
It is a mistake to presume that the keys to your happiness are the keys to the happiness of another.  What makes one miserable might be the life joy of another.
Everyone thinks life is one upward, smooth trajectory.  They think of Cinderella in her big castle and forget that she spent decades scrubbing floors, being beaten, and locked in a cold room.  Between “Once upon a time” and “Happily ever after” a lot happens.  Not all of it is good.  I call this The Cinderella Principle.
The only people who are embarrassed to talk about money are those who didn’t earn their own fortune.  For someone who accomplishes something great, the wealth (often in the form of stock ownership in a company he or she founded) is a sign of a job well done; a scorecard that demonstrates value delivered to society.  The money doesn’t actually represent money.  But inherited wealth carries an almost paradoxical stigma of shame – to enjoy the fruits ofanother man’s labor, another man’s foresight, another man’s ideas, and another man’sachievements is the genetic equivalent of a welfare check.
Throughout mankind’s history, devils and demons, spirits and ghosts have been blamed for what almost always amounts to poor decisions and irrational choices.

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